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Image by Priscilla Du Preez


The Full Story

You live or work daily in the premises or houses where we clean, our service guarantees you cleaning with products that are not harmful to your health.

With Entretien Green Plus, we provide cleaning services with products that are less dangerous to your health. Our goal is to offer a cleaning service using products that protect our plant by polluting less and making our customers breathe healthier air.

Make the choice of maintenance with ecological products so as not to harm the planet and the health of those who are dear to you.

Crafted Locally, For You
Elevate Your Home with Sherbrooke's Premier Cleaning Service

Entretein Green Plus proudly hails from Sherbrooke, infusing a people-centered approach into Canadian cleaning excellence. Founded to cater to local needs, our streamlined cleaning concept has resonated with residents, propelling our swift expansion across our beloved Sherbrooke region. We're excited to collaborate with exceptional cleaning professionals across Sherbrooke and beyond, including Magog and Waterville, Ascot Corner, ComptonSaint-Denis-de-BromptonStoke and Val-Joli.


Each member of our diligent cleaning team is carefully selected and vetted, ensuring your home receives the meticulous care it deserves. With a fusion of expertise, warmth, insurance coverage, and a dedication to simplifying your life, we invite you to secure your appointment online or reach out to us at +1 (819) 820-5362


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